Vacations in the Subconscious

Vacations in the Subconscious

The Surrealists @ Alphabet Art Centre


Video: Anthony Sherin & Tabitha Vevers (USA) – DUÆL: Lee + Man, 2014, 5:09 Click to view the video Anthony Sherin & Tabitha Vevers (USA) – DUÆL: Lee + Man, 2014, 5:09 Synopsis Anthony Sherin...
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1924-2023 Р100 Years РThe Surrealist Manifesto by Andr̩ Breton

In 1924, André Breton published the Manifesto of Surrealism, initiating one of the essential art movements of 20th century – the Surrealism. Although the art movement had its end in the sixties of 20th century,...
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The 3 Surrealists

hof-3s-231instat-surreal11- 2instat-surreal31- 3instat-surreal31- 2 The 3 Surrealists @ Hall of Fame / The Museum of Networked Art featuring – Albert Merino, Laura & Sira Cabrera and Ausín Sáinz. As a key exhibition in 2023, The...
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Surrealist Vacation Resort Berlin 2023

meri43-SnapShotkin6-SnapShotegga4-SnapShotvunk21-SnapShotcavre3-SnapShotmaka-SnapShotkim2-SnapShotkorp53-SnapShotjoub33-SnapShotausin-441-SnapShotfini96-SnapShotvis-berl23- The New Museum of Networked Art in collaboration with the Institute für Alles Mögliche Berlin 17/18 June 2023 Surrealist Vacation Resort Berlin Vacations in the Subconscious Sa + So 17. + 18.6. 2023/ 15h...
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Surrealist Vacation Resort Athens 2024

@ ADAF – Athens Digital Arts Festival // 16-26 May 2024
curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
screenings on 17, 21, 25 May 2024

Los Angeles /Cologne – 28-29 October 2023

The New Museum of Networked Art
is happy to launch simultaneously on 27 October 2023

its participation /presentation @ TRYST
the world’s largest international art fair for artist run initiatives,
27-29 October 2023 – @ Del Amo Crossing, 21535 Hawthorne Blvd, Torrance/Los Angeles CA

the release of the screening programs of
Vacations in the Subconscious Р100 Years Surrealist Manifesto by Andr̩ Breton
streaming online (for permanent) @ Cologne Alphabet Art Centre

The programs of the Surrealist Resort Los Angeles

The programs of the Surrealist Resort Cologne


Quito/Ecuador – 25 / 26 August 2023

Los Angeles / Cologne – 22 July – 09 September 2023

Ottersberg/Bremen – 13-15 July 2023

Berlin – 17/18 June 2023

Hall of Fame – 20 January – 30 June 2023


Vacations in the Subconscious – 100 Years Surrealist Manifesto by André Breton

The video art exhibition project
is curated, directed and coordinated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne as a chief curator
for a collaboration / networked action between
The New Museum of Networked Art // Alphabet Art Centre // Hall of Fame
associated curators, the curated/selected/participating artists, and – the networked/collaborating/participating cultural institutions – in an exchange between physical & virtual space

Thanks to
Torrance Art Museum Los Angeles/USA, Institut für Alles Mögliche Berlin/Germany, HKS – Hochschule für Künste im Sozialen Ottersberg/Bremen
Vera Tyuleneva, curator Cusco/Peru, Joana Rita Cerieira Braguez // School of Technology and Management Viseu, Portugal

All texts, images and videos © by the artists/authors/curators or owners.

The New Museum of Networked Art
artvideokoeln (at)