Vacations in the Subconscious

Surrealist Vacation Resort Berlin 2023

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The New Museum of Networked Art
in collaboration with the Institute für Alles Mögliche Berlin
17/18 June 2023

Surrealist Vacation Resort Berlin

Vacations in the Subconscious
Sa + So 17. + 18.6. 2023/ 15h – 19h
Stützpunkt Teufelsberg
Teufelsseechaussee 10
14193 Berlin / Germany

Vacations in the Subconscious – Surrealist Vacation Resort Berlin 2023
Video Art Program curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
Albert Merino (Spain) – The Present Condition, 2020, 18:18
Oleksa Konopelko (Ukraine) – Mutafory Lili – Black Hallucination, 2023, 2:23
Maka Kiladze (Georgia) – INKED, 2022, 11:36
Maria Korporal (NL) – The Mind’s Egg, 2023, 2:30
Laura y Sira Cabrera (Spain) – Alterations , 2023. 7:29
Brit Bunkley (New Zealand) – The Peaceable Kingdom, 2023, 5:28
Ebba Jahn (Germany) – Celestial Particular, 2021, 3:15
Heidi Kumao (USA) – Devoured, 2020, 1:08
Ausin Sainz (Spain) – Walls, 2020, 8:17
Marco Joubert (Canada) – The Atoms of Reality / Les atomes du réel, 2020, 03:59
Francesca Fini (Italy) – Paradise Lost, 2022, 6:00

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Curatorial statement
by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

The exhibition focus of The New Museum for Networked Art during 2023 is dedicated to the 100th return of the launch of André Breton’s Manifesto of Surrealism, an art and literary movement initiated in 1924 taking fundamental influence on contemporary art and the perception of art and culture, in general.

The title of the exhibition project “Vacations in the Subconscious” is referring to the influence of Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis in the arts and philosophy of the 20th century explaining people’s behaviors/acting directed from the Subconscious.

Surrealism was one of several art expressions in the beginning of 20th century developing simultaneously as a result of the industrialization, the horrors of World War I and the desire of people one hundred years ago for a kind of counter movement which was not dominated/directed by mind.

The exhibition is not intending to initiate a kind of revival of Surrealism, because the Surrealist ideas propagating new kinds of freedom via imaginary worlds, became the genetic code of contemporary art and a variety of expressions in most different manifestations in art, culture, philosophy, literature, or language, but – explore how contemporary artists working with a medium which did not exist yet during the classical Surrealist era (ending in the sixties of past century) – e.g. (digital) video art offering new ways of representing reality/diverse realities, are influenced by the ideas/ideology/utopias/imagery of Surrealism and the visual and substantive clichés Surrealism was generating.

It is the invitation to the viewer of art to dive deeply to the bottom of one’s soul via moving images and recognize the difference between videoart, cinema and video as an advertising medium, as well.

Digital video is representing quite a young medium starting only about 20 years ago, offering its user/creator fundamentally new possibilities using moving images for artistic purposes.
Therefore the chronological aspect became relevant in the exhibition concept – spotlighting the technological development and its manifestation int the content presentation during the past 20 years alike.

Vacations in the Subconscious would like to show a diversity of artistic concepts and the use of technology featuring more about 150 videos by as many artists.

The online/offline exhibition at ALPHABET ART Centre @ The New Museum of Networked Art to be launched in its totality in an exchange between virtual and physical space only on occasion of the exhibition at Torrance Art Museum Los Angeles – 22 July -9 September 2023 – is consisting of the key exhibition “The 3 Surrealists” featuring a retrospective of 10 videos by the 3 Spanish artists Albert Merino, Laura/Sira Cabrera and Ausin Sainz- and 10 associated video art programs including each one about 12 videos by as many individual artists from 35 countries.

As a curated selection, the video art screening program to be presented in Berlin is outlining the German capital and the venue of The Institute für Alles Mögliche as a Surrealist vacation resort in the subconscious by presenting an exclusive composition of art videos by Albert Merino (Spain) – Oleksa Konopelko (Ukraine) – Maka Kiladze (Georgia) – Maria Korporal (NL) – Laura y Sira Cabrera (Spain) – Brit Bunkley (New Zealand) – Ebba Jahn (Germany) – Heidi Kumao (USA) – Ausin Sainz (Spain) – Marco Joubert (Canada) – Francesca Fini (Italy).

The presentation in Berlin is part of the ongoing solidarity program for Ukraine @ The New Museum of Networked Art – Peace Letters to Ukraine, initiated on 2, March 2022 –

VIS_Curatorial statement CURATORIAL STATEMENT – English/German/Español

Berlin Teufelsberg
Location of NewMediaFest 2020 – 9 July – 23 August 2020

Berlin is probably the most surreal capital in the world due to its history as a hot spot of World War II and the Cold War afterwards, but the art/culture initiative with the name of “Institut für Alles Mögliche” (Institute for Anything”) is not less surreal.

About Institut für Alles Mögliche
The Institut für Alles Mögliche
The Institut für Alles Mögliche is an artistic project that, by using experimental means, sets about questioning, scrutinizing and probing the institutionalization and presentation of contemporary art. To this end project spaces are opened, events developed and various artistic practices tried out. These, mostly playful experiments deal with interrogations of the ‘art space’, the operatings of the ‘project space’ and ‘exhibiting’ often in an ironic manner. The central concept is to develop spaces of possibility in which exchange and experiences can take place and space for artistic activity can come in to being.
The project can be understood as an organism, as an artistic attempt to find niches and to implant a non-commercial program into the commercial structure of the municipal sphere. It is intended to formulate a notion, a proposal, an approach on how artistic collaborations, collective learning and cohabitation can be constructed. The project tries to create an alternative, which opposes the economic utilization of art, the artistic pressure to produce and increasing standardization.
Projects that are realized within the institute are non–commercial and not market-orientated. We place great value on artistic practices and forms of expression that take place beyond art fairs and galleries. During our deliberately short events – the majority no longer than three days – experimental set-ups, unfinished concepts and playful approaches can be tried out and realised. The creations and projects that come in to being through these processes can work out uncannily but also fail spectacularly.

But both are topped by the event location – Stützpunkt Teufelsberg, which is representing certainly the most surreal place in Berlin open to the public. It was in 2020 already location for NewMediaFest 2020, a collaboration with Institute für Alles Mögliche, as well.

About Stützpunkt Teufelsberg

The Teufelsberg in the Grunewald is a mountain of rubble, a vantage point and a monument of history. The now derelict US listening station at the summit can be visited.

The dilapidated US listening station on the summit rises as if from another world. From the Teufelsberg, visitors have a great view over the Grunewald and the adjacent urban areas. In addition to the Müggelberge, the Teufelsberg is the second highest elevation in Berlin at 120.1m above sea level.

The Teufelsberg, which actually consists of two mountains, got its name from the nearby Teufelssee. At the time of National Socialism, the shell of the Faculty of Defense Technology was located on the site of the artificial mountain. After the Second World War, this shell was blown up and the area turned into a rubble dump. A total of 25 million m³ of rubble was heaped up.
Listening station on Teufelsberg

A use as a leisure area with a ski slope and toboggan run was planned, but was not implemented because the Americans used the mountain as a listening station. The initially mobile station was replaced by a fixed installation, and the Teufelsberg got its distinguishing feature, which has been preserved to this day: the five radar domes.

With the end of the Cold War and the fall of the Berlin Wall, the station in Grunewald was abandoned by the Americans and the electronic equipment removed. However, the radar systems could still be used for a while as civil air surveillance for air traffic. In the meantime, the former listening station had been sold to a private investor. The plans for an exclusive residential complex, a museum and a hotel and conference center failed.

The Program - NewMediaFest 2020 Berlin - physical

WOW Jubilee VII Berlin
IAM – Institut für Alles Mögliche Berlin – 09 July – 23 August 2020
Curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
7 screening programs

NewMediaFest2020 celebrates numerous anniversaries this year, including the foundation in Cologne in 2000. WOW Jubilee VII Berlin – (WOW stands for “We Are One World”) is the 7th anniversary program in a row, this time with the focus on the 7 videoart program units with their 11 programs in total, which Wilfried Agricola de Cologne, the director, main curator and realizer of NewMediaFest2020 for the screenings at IAM – with the 115 videos of 115 artists from 25 countries on topics that concern artists and society alike – violence, migration, climate change, environment and identity – prepared, including the programs of the two guest curators Parya Vatankhah (Iran) and Tahir Ün (Turkey).
NewMediaFest2020 is an event structure with a retrospective character, which is carried out in an exchange between virtual and physical space throughout 2020, starting on December 26, 2019, and ending December 31, 2020 with network partners around the world. In addition to the 12 monthly festival programs, the daily features are of particular importance with the publication of new media art programs from the 365 day diary online.
After Addis Ababa and Cologne before the Corona crisis, which forced NewMediaFest2020 to continue its activities exclusively online as the 1st Corona Festival, with IAM, Berlin is now the first physical venue after the crisis has subsided. In 2020, other venues include Los Angeles (USA), Cusco (Peru), Athens (Greece). Lucca (Italy), Beirut (Lebanon) and Calcutta (India) planned.
While the screenings in Berlin start on June 28th, 2020, the 7th edition of NewMediaFest2020 officially goes online on July 1st, 2020, and will include the video programs that IAM demonstrated in physical space during the collaboration in 2014 as streaming programs online .

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Surrealist Vacation Resort Berlin
Institut für Alles Mögliche Berlin
Sa + So 17. + 18.6. 2023/ 15h – 19h
Stützpunkt Teufelsberg
Teufelsseechaussee 10
14193 Berlin / Germany